People often think of domestic violence as physical abuse, such as shoving, slapping, choking, kicking, using weapons, and murder. However, domestic violence also includes many more behaviors, such as sexual abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, and economic abuse. Power and control are at the center of all domestic violence incidents.
If you are fearful of physical or verbal abuse from a household member, the law provides significant support for you. In those situations, call the police directly. A police officer will assist you in learning about how the law protects you, what kind of resources are available to you, and if necessary will take action to help you obtain an emergency restraining order and provide for your physical safety.
If you are a survivor of domestic violence, you have access to resources that may help you, such as:
Hotlines to help you find resources available to you
Safe and confidential shelter
Planning for your safety
Legal assistance
NOTE: Information on computers, phones and other electronic devices may be traceable. If you're worried about your abuser tracking your steps this way, it may be best to use a public computer, such as in a library and avoid using e-mail or social media.
See our hyperlinks for additional resources, or contact Deputy Chief Rachael Bielecki our Domestic Violence Officer at